We have gathered some material and some links for you to learn more about Jesus and practice your English!
Here you will find:
We have gathered some files that might be interesting for you to read. We have our Sabbath School lesson, books, booklets and church related materials that you can download directly from our website. We are also always uploading new content.
In this section you will also find reading links to other websites. Through those you can access further information and keep learning.
In this page we have gathered some links for broadcasters and materials for you to listen to on your day to day. You can also recommend us your favorite podcasts and channels, and we will share them with our community.
Enjoy these recommendations to improve your listening skills and learn more about the Bible and Seventh Day Adventism.
We have our own blog! Here you can find original or shared content for you to read and learn more. Also, you get to share these texts with friends and family, so that they too can enjoy it.
If you would like to contribute to our blog, get in touch with us. We would be more than happy to receive original content and sharing it for the blessing of others.